These products are your business - they have been developed for you. Once upon a time there were ... but we do not want to tell tales - but facts!
Bondgraph modelling tool.
Graphical bondgraph modelling tool.
Graphical modelling and creation of animations.
Simulation software for continuous and discrete dynamical systems, as well for creating data base desktops.
Flexible and high performance model and simulator linking, as well for connecting external modules.
Environmental data base system with data positioning, special features for hydrography.
HISī3D extension for the presentation of environmental data on maps.
HISī3D extension for computing surfaces and isolines.
Profile administration and cubature computation module for HISī3D.
Chemic module for HISī3D.
Extension for HISprof - analysing of flow velocities.
Selling and presenting environmental data in the internet and the intranet.
Requesting environmental data and geodetic information using mobile clients.
Alarm and messaging module.
Energy data system, especially for thermal power plants.
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